How to Get Through What You're Going Through - Part 2
Sharable notes for the April 25, 2021 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Exodus 32:1-5; Psalms 23:4; 63:8
Don’t worship the gifts God has blessed you with, worship the God who blessed you with them.
We may never renounce our belief in God, but is our hope and faith always in Him no matter the circumstance? Do we hold on to other things for peace or to help numb the pain?
If we have a substitute hope that we hold onto, we need to let go of that in order to place full hope where it needs to be, in Christ.
Hold onto God's presence. He's with you at the top and He's with you when life is at the bottom.
Hold on to the people that God has put in your life. It's never good to do life alone.
Corrie ten Boom, “When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.”
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
What things are you most tempted to grab hold of to help deaden the pain during difficult times?
When have you had a struggle where it felt like God wasn't there? What do you hope God may be doing in your life even though He seems silent or distant?
What do you need to do differently? What do you sense God might be challenging you to think/do/believe differently?
Click the image to start a new 5 day devotion in YouVersion:
What are you holding onto? What are you relying on for a sense of peace, hope or security? If you’re honest, is it something that you know deep down can’t deliver on those promises? This plan will take a look at how only Jesus can meet these needs for us and what it means to set down these cheap substitutes so we can hold onto Him.