How to Get Through What You're Going Through - Part 1
Sharable notes for the April 18, 2021 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: James 1:2-4; Exodus 3:1-14; 13:17-18, 21-22; 14:21-22; 15:22-25; 16:2-3
All throughout the Bible, we see that even when you follow God, stuff happens but we also see that God can still work through us as we stay faithful to Him in these times.
Even the path of rescue can be a place of Challenged Faith, don't give up!
Everyone of us are going through or will go through difficult times, a season where our faith is challenged. The question is, how will we respond?
Every time, all the the time, God is concerned about your pain. God wants to walk with your through your desert.
The pain and difficult times we go through is not because God doesn’t love us. The cross shows us He does! The cross says He is there.
In this middle of your challenged faith, will you choose to keep crying out to God?
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
What is a struggle that you are facing right now that you need God to rescue you from?
If you aren't in the middle of a struggle now, how have you seen God rescue you in your past? Praise God for that moment, share it with someone.
What do you believe you are more prone to do in the midst of a struggle? Do you cry out to God or complain to God? What can you do to turn your complaining to crying out?
Click the image to start a new 7 day devotion in YouVersion:
God wants to heal and rescue us. His great love has the power to pull us from where we are and place us on the path of promise. In this 7-day devotional, we will look at groups of hurting people that God saves, redeems, and blesses. God's transforming love is as available today as it was centuries ago. He is simply waiting for us to cry out to him.