The Implications of the Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus changed everything! By observing what happened through the early church, we find that the resurrection proclaimed victory over sin, became the main event for the commissioning of the church to share the gospel, and gives hope to all believers for eternal life.

April 16, 2023

Jesus' death releases us from the penalty of sin and his resurrection releases us from the power of sin.

April 23, 2023

The resurrection became the catalyst for the mission of the church. That mission is to reflect the kingdom of God and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We move from an invitation to come and see, to come and follow to go and tell because an implication of the resurrection is that as we are reconciled to God we are called to be a messenger of reconciliation.

April 30, 2023

Without the resurrection of Christ, the Christian faith would be an exercise in futility. Because Christ was resurrected, His followers are empowered and our future resurrection is secured.
