Staying Connected

The importance of spiritual and personal connection cannot be understated. Disconnect doesn't happen immediately. It's a slow fade as we make one little decision here and then another there and before we know it we've disconnected ourselves from the very life source we need in our spiritual walk. We must make every effort to stay connected.

January 24, 2021

Growth and life only takes place when we are connected to the life source.

Message begins around 25 minute mark.

January 31, 2021

For transformation to take place in our life we must remain connected to Christ and that's a choice of the will.

February 7, 2021

Jesus is the vine, God is the Gardner. The goal for our lives as followers of Christ is to bear fruit, living fruitful lives that honor God.

February 14, 2021

We are empowered to live out God’s love in our lives, to love our neighbor as ourselves, to love our enemies, and to love others.

February 21, 2021

Connectivity to Christ will keep us pressing forward in our relationship with Him, living for Him, loving others and focused on spending eternity with Him.
