Shape Up

We are in that time of year where there is an awareness that some type of development, growth or formation needs to take place in our lives. The most important is our spiritual development. Spiritual formation is our process as a follower of Christ in becoming more like Christ, and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us. In this series we'll look at some practices that Jesus taught to help us shape up our spiritual life.

January 8, 2023

Jesus taught us to pray, not to just give us something else to do, but to help us grow in our faith and relationship with God. When we learn the value of prayer we’ll begin to see our spiritual life shape up.

January 15, 2023

Jesus taught us that our motives for why we do things as followers of Christ say a lot about our heart. Checking our motives can help us see where we may need to shape up.

January 22, 2023

Jesus taught us that our worship is not about where we worship, but who we worship. Worship is a catalyst for a transformed life. When we worship God, our inmost thoughts proclaim the depth of our love for God. Worship is a part of every aspect of our spiritual formation.

January 29, 2023

Your ability to go forward - that one thing that may just be what you need to shape up - is for you to stop trying, get away to a secluded and silent place, and spend time with the Father.
