Children's Ministry

You can be a catalyst for transformation by creating an atmosphere where children can know God's love and build a foundation for faith in Him. Here are some ways you can help:

  • Check-in Team - Greet families as they come in and check their child in to class. If the family is new, you will enter their information into the system for follow up and security purposes and then be willing to point them in to their class.

  • Preschool Team - Provide love and care to children so parents can be ministered to during the service. Scheduled rotation typically serving once a month. Areas for service in preschool:

    • Nursery - Willing to hold babies, change diapers, feed, etc.

    • 2-3 year old helper - Assist teacher in classroom, play with kids, help keep kids focused and on task

    • 2-3 year old teacher - Use provided materials to prepare lessons for Sunday mornings

    • 4-5 year old helper - Assist teacher in classroom, play with kids, help keep kids focused and on task

    • 4-5 year old teacher - Use provided materials to prepare lessons for Sunday mornings

  • Kid's Church Team - Provide a fun, safe environment that allows children to see their worth in God and learn how to worship and follow Him. Scheduled rotation typically serving once a month. Areas for service in Kid's Church:

    • Helper - Assist teacher as needed, interact with the kids, help keep kids focused and on task

    • Small Group Leader - Use prepared materials to lead a small group of K-1st grade students. Your role will be to build relationships with the children in the first part of time as students come in. Then as we transition to large group, leaders are encouraged to participate in the game and worship led by Noah and Savannah. You would sit with your group to help keep them focused during the story time as well. After large group, you would then go back into your small group to do the small group lessons.

  • Morf’d Girls Team (Formerly - Mpact) - A ministry to boys and girls 2 - Pre-K, and for girls K - 5th grade. We need individuals willing to teach and others to volunteer and assist the teacher. This ministry meets on Wednesday nights and may have special events throughout the year

  • Morfd Boys (Formerly - Royal Rangers) - A ministry to boys ranging from K - 5th grade. We need individuals willing to teach and others to volunteer and assist the teacher. This ministry meets on Wednesday nights and may have special events throughout the year.

Background checks are required for anyone serving in our children ministries.

Qualities that are good to have:

  • Loves kids

  • Friendly

  • Team Player

  • (for check-in team) Minor computer skills and easily trainable
