Season of Love Week 1
Sharable notes for the February 9, 2025 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Hebrews 13:4; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20; John 4:16-24
Scriptures referenced: Song of Solomon; Matthew 19:4-6
When we as people of faith can understand the depth of what it means to love, we can better reflect the love of God to the world around us.
God has created every facet and every emotion that comes with love. We cannot let the enemy manipulate what God has created.
When we encounter truth and direction from the word of God that goes against our human nature, we are tempted to mold our beliefs to match our behaviors. The better option is to surrender our behaviors.
Jesus rose from the dead which proves there's no death he cannot resurrect. He can restore anything sin has stolen and repair whatever sin has broken.
The fullness of the love that we all long for is found only in the love of our creator through the ultimate gift who is Jesus Christ.
When we pursue earthly pleasures at the expense of heavenly ones it’s like drinking salt water - our thirst is never going to be fulfilled.
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