I Am Week 2
Sharable notes for the March 9, 2025 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: John 6:4, 20, 26-27, 35, 43-51, 60, 68-69; Micah 5:2
Scriptures referenced: John 6; Matthew 14 & 15
When we let our appetite for our creator become greater then we become more fulfilled, and our temporal appetites become tamed.
When you’re going through a testing time in your life just know that God’s already got a plan. Trust and obey.
God can get you to the place the storm is trying to keep you from.
We treat the temporary satisfactions of life as if they are the fulfillment of life but we miss the mark when we do that. The fullness of life is not found in the satisfaction of our temporal appetites.
We can be grateful for the people God uses in our life, and when he uses us, but He alone deserves our gratitude AND all the glory.
Christ is the only one that will satisfy the insatiable appetite of our soul.
We are all guilty of softening truth we don’t want to accept in order to appease our appetite.
We want Christ to conform to our appetites, our desires, our wishes, instead of conforming ourselves to Christ. When we do this we miss true life.
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