Genesis Week 1
Sharable notes for the August 6, 2023 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Genesis 1:1-3, 26; 2:15; John 1:1-4; Colossians 1:15-16;
Passages referenced: Genesis 1 & 2;
The focus of Genesis 1 & 2 is that God created. It takes off the table the idea that everything and everyone came from nothing and no-one.
If we are arguing and fighting about how God made the place we live then we’re violating the point for which He made it.
Do you really want a God small enough to fit in your box? Our finite minds, as amazing as mankind has shown them to be, cannot fully comprehend the reality of an infinite divinity.
Jesus is the creating force behind the universe, the order and the logic of it all.
The word brings order to chaos. Our lives are formless and void until God’s Word, Jesus, comes in to bring life and peace and beauty and order.
Sin and rebellion wants to unravel what God creates, but God’s power and love still exists even in darkness.
God created man out of the overflow of his love and to exist in relationship. Our lives are more fulfilled when living in love and community with others.
You are not an accident. You are divinely designed by a creator who loves you. You’re not made by accident to live by chance. You are made by Christ for Christ.
“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” CS Lewis
Instead of using our work to say look at me and be impressed, we should use our work to say look at God and worship Him. Let work be something to glorify God and serve others, not your primary source of identity and idolatry. Work is a terrible god.
We are to be bearers of the Word, taking it into a world of darkness and chaos. Speak the gospel of peace and life and light. Wherever there is brokenness there should be the church.
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
What do you know about the book of Genesis?
What have you been taught about creation before? What are your beliefs about creation?
In what ways have you tried to fit God inside a box when it comes to his creation?
How do you allow your work to be a means by which you glorify God and serve others?
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The Creation of the World, as it is described in the Book of Genesis, draws attention to believers and various commentators. Within these beautiful descriptions we find many insights, which could fill a thousand books. We will try to present here a few of these interesting ideas that can help each and every one of us. These ideas present a different way of looking at Genesis 1.